Friday, October 12, 2007

A quick dip and a trip down the rabbit hole

Recap! Saturday Oct. 6 : Molly, a friend from St. Olaf, visited from Germany. We walked around the University district and the city centre, discovered the most fabulously adorable and expensive shop in the city, and went out to dinner with my flatmate Caryn to a restaurant/bar called Las Iguanas. On Sunday we caught a train to Bath (it's a whopping 13-minute trip) and made a pilgrimage to the Jane Austen Centre and did a bit of shopping. Sometimes it's just way too much fun to be a girl. :) We stopped by the Bath Cathedral for evensong before travelling back to Bristol in time to visit the Suspension Bridge despite my inability to efficiently navigate the bus system. Molly left for London on Monday morning, and a reciprocal adventure in Germany is definitely called for.

This week I've had my first classroom classes... not too frightening despite an impressive stack of books to read before next week. Caryn and I attended the International Students Welcome Party last night at the city science museum; I must admit, wandering around the museum for free, crawling through tunnels in the "Alice Through the Looking Glass" exhibit, was much more interesting than the speakers, although the Lord Mayor of Bristol was wearing about 4 tons of bright red robes complete with gold braid and a large feathered hat. They do seem to enjoy a bit of dress-up around here.

1 comment:

Ian said...

Las Iguanas...didn't we go there on our visit to Bath during interim?